What are the dates?
2025 EO One Canada - Montreal is June 9-11, 2025
What is the start time of 2025 EO One Canada - Montreal?
Official start time for 2025 EO One Canada - Montreal is at 4pm Eastern Time, Monday, June 9.
When do activities start?
MyEO events will kick-off on Sunday June 8, and go into the F1 weekend starting June 12-June 15. Please see the MyEO tab for the list of updated events.
When does 2025 EO One Canada - Montreal end?
2025 EO One Canada - Montreal wraps up with a social event the evening of June 11.
What is the current refund policy?
One Canada has a no refund policy. Ticket transfers are allowed on a case by case basis. The canceling member and the replacing member will facilitate the money exchange themselves. EO will transfer the registration once notification has been received from the selling member and a registration form has been received by the purchasing member.
What if I have to cancel my trip?
Given the unpredictability of travel, we highly recommend you purchase travel insurance. Any cancellations of flights, tickets, or hotels will not be covered by the planning committee. You may transfer your Nerve ticket to another interested attendee (subject to the rules above).
Who is the One Canada committee?
One Canada conferences are planned by a planning committee of EO member volunteers from numerous Canadian chapters. The 2025 One Canada Committee puts in many hours to curate a memorable event for the Canada Region. Please don’t forget to thank your Committee members when you see them in Montreal.
Does the One Canada ticket cover F1?
The One Canada registration fee does not cover the F1 event. You can purchase this separately directly with F1, or, register for the MyEO F1 VIP experience (see MyEO tab).
Do you offer hotel discounts?
We offer a discounted rate with a limited number of rooms for the One Canada conference. Book your hotel reservation here.
Can I extend my hotel booking to cover the F1 weekend?
Yes, you can! Although the F1 weekend will not be a part of our special EO One Canada conference rate, the hotel will contact you in early 2025 to extend your stay. Should you wish them to contact you, please complete this form here.
We strongly encourage you to book your hotel for the conference now, therefore when the hotel opens the dates for F1 this will be easy for them to extend you.